Magazine Case Study

Title – Q (music magazine)

Price – £3.99

Frequency – monthly

Freebies – none

Target audience – 16-35, very interested in music

Front Cover:

Front cover design – pictures of well known artists, lots of famous album covers

Typography – mainly plain, in capitals, red white and gold. Main coverline uses a more fancy font.

The cover appeals to it’s target audience because it has pictures of a few very big artists and a lot of classic album covers that they will be familiar with. The coverline ‘Perfect Playlists’ is very appealing because the connotations of perfect are luxury and of the very best so people will want to know more about that.

Inside the magazine:

There is a wide range of genres covered in this magazine, including pop, rock, RnB and Indie, however it features artists from all these genres that are very popular and who everybody knows. There are many interviews, reviews and adverts, with a letters page and a welcome page.

Most of the pictures within the magazine are of celebrities and the purpose of this is to make the reader want to know about the lives of these people, because they look so glam and their lifestyle looks so good.

The adverts within the magazine are for things such as technology like Microsoft, Albums, Jack Daniels and Merchandise for well known artists.

The articles are in depth and most of them are based on interviews with artists, the vocabulary used for them is formal but also uses some slang and colloquial language to make it more entertaining and easier for the audience to read. There are also many examples of subject specific lexis within the semantic field of the music industry and this is because the magazine is about music and so the readers will understand what is being said.

There is a lot of news features and up and coming features within this magazine.

Title – Glamour (women’s magazine)

Price – £2

Frequency – weekly

Target audience – teenage – young adult women

Front cover:

The fonts that are used for the front cover are quite plain and clear, but not in capitals like the music magazine. The colour scheme is pink, orange and black and the writing is in all of these colours. The cover appeals to its target audience because it is bright and girly and features a central image of Katy Perry who women are all familiar with and the target audience look up to her and aspire to be like her. Their main sell line is ‘602 hot new looks’ and this is appealing to women because they always want to look good and are looking for tips and tricks to improve their image.

Inside the magazine:

The content of this magazine is based around gossip and fashion. There are articles on celebrities and fashion, there is advice on different things that women are interested in, there are entertainment pages and a mail page. Most of the pictures are of celebrities or models wearing stylish clothes and looking glamorous and appealing, these pictures suggest that wearing the right clothes and being like a celebrity will make you happy. Most of the adverts within this magazine are for fashion brands. The articles that are within this magazine aren’t too in depth and are full of gossip with a chatty tone to them.

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