Titles for College Magazine

I chose to use the name Student Sound because the two words are alliteration and are therefore catchy and appealing. I think it will appeal to the target audience of students because they like their voice to be heard and Student Sound makes it sound as though the magazine is about the view of the students and therefore it should be attractive to them.

Titles for college magazine

Music Magazines

1. Q

Articles – shows/tours that are up and coming, interviews with people, debates about recording and live gigs, how much bands are getting paid.

Features – welcome page, subscription and credits, adverts for tours and merchandise, recommendations and reviews, mail page, competitions, interviews, funny pictures of celebrities.

Colour scheme – red, black and white (some gold)

Audience – teenagers to young adults, interested in indie and alternative music.

2. Rhythm

Articles – interviews with drummers for well known bands, session drummers fo well known artists and drum teachers.

Features – ‘Hello!’ page, news, music to play/learn, adverts, album reviews, drum and cymbal reviews.

Colour scheme – white, light blue and yellow.

Audience – drummers interested in heavy music.

3. Metal Hamer

Articles – bands that have albums or tours out soon, features and interviews with bands returning back into the music scene.

Features – adverts for instruments, merchandise, tours and albums, reviews for tours and albums, news and comments, interviews about the tattoo’s of popular band members.

Colour scheme – red, black and white.

Audience – teenagers to young adults interested in heavy metal music.