What Have You Learnt About Technologies From the Process of Constructing This Product?

I learnt a lot about the different technologies such as Photoshop and InDesign when I was creating my magazine. I learnt that these technologies are confusing to start with but then become very simple once you get the hang of them. If I hadn’t used Photoshop to edit my pictures they would not look professional or desirable enough to be features in a magazine. The spot healing tool is very quick and easy to use but makes a huge difference to the quality of image and makes airbrushing the photo’s very easy. Also on Photoshop I found it easy to cut out individual people from my pictures so I could rearrange where each person was if they weren’t in the exact place I desired in the original photograph. The quick selection tool made this very easy and essentially does a lot of the work for you, I learnt a lot about the different tools on Photoshop and the possibilities of using them.

InDesign made creating my magazine a lot less stressful than it could have been, using layers to put everything on and making sure everything is on a separate layer makes it much quicker when you want to put different elements on top of each other. The rulers that can be dragged out from the side of the document in InDesign also make it much easier to line everything up neatly and evenly. Below is a link to a video I made explaining what tools I used to create some aspects of my magazine. The video may take a few minutes to load…


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